This is our most current info of what BW looks like (Gold Mask and Gold Hands). If anyone has any information, contact a Grid Member, and we will change this picture.

BW is the leader of all Villains. She is behind all evil doings in Aiyanaland. We have only physically encountered her once. She is currently massing an army with Shadow Pokemon.

Nightmare Moon is BW's latest addition to her army. She is incredibly powerful.

Cyrus is BW's unwilling husband. He hates Aiyanaland though.

This is Grand Master Greevil, who reports directly to BW herself.

This is Gonzap. He does not work for BW, and is out to destroy her.... and Aiyanaland too! He wants both lands for himself!

This is Evice, who also reports directly to BW. Note his eyes are black.

^ is a Shadow Pokemon. Only a few people can see the aura. A special camera can pick up the aura as well.

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