Episode 1: Arceus! Cast Thy Judgment!

The leaders sat around a table. "I do not take personal joy in this task," said a cold, icy voice, "but it must be done... for our plans to work. Our teams must unite, and with our technology, money, and staff, we shall succeed."

"How can you be so sure?" asked another leader. "We do not know where the Hall of Origin even is! My team has scoped every record, every legend, even asked elders of tribes and clans. No one knows anything."

"I know where it is." said the first leader. "And how to awaken it. Once it is awoken, the stairway shall reveal itself." the leader held out a blue flute with a weird design, clearly not of this world. It had openings on all ends like a shell. "Once we blow the Azure Flute, it is awoken."

"Fine. Then Team Rocket and Team Galactic shall unite. We shall become Galactic Rocket, where I, Giovonni, team up with you, Cyrus and we shall rule the world."

"We will not rule this world. With my plans, we shall reshape this world to hold  no strife, we shall be gods!"

The Executives and Commanders from the two teams stood across from each other. They did not need to say anything. In order to accomplish both of there goals, they would be willing to team up. Archer, Ariana, Proton and Petrel on one side, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Chiron on the other.

A few days later, Cyrus and his Commanders stood with Giovonni and his Executives at the Spear Pillar in Shinnoh. Cyrus opened the jeweled box with the Azure Flute and played a song. Out from the flute came a sound not of this world. It sounded alien almost. Then, the most amazing thing happened. A golden stairway appeared, and it led straight to the sky. The Executives and Commanders looked at each other and nodded. Mars and Proton ran up the stairs and then came down, motioning it was safe. When they all got on top with the equipment, they saw Arceus, the Alpha was already back to sleep. Chiron quickly got to work with the small machine that would make this and another special mission possible.

"Tell me Cyrus," Giovonni said, "about this Arceus."

"Arceus is the Alpha, and probably the Omega. It is the creator of this world, thus making it the strongest and most able to change the world. It can become any type but with the technology we stole from Chiper in Orre, we now have a way to make it truly invincible. It won't be stopped by anything."

"The world's strongest Pokemon... I heard that claim before."

"You tried to make that claim and you almost completely succeed too." Cyrus said sharply. "You were trying to MAKE it. Here we have found it. Chiron! How much longer?"

"It is almost done." said the old, tiny man. "A few more moments if you please, Cyrus."

"I cannot rush this process." Cyrus spoke to himself. "One false move, and this plan goes up in flames."

"What type do you plan on making Arceus? You know all types have a weakness."

Cyrus smirked. "I plan on having it become... the most unknown type yet... the ???-type."

Back within the labs, Chrion and the other scientists, including those from Team Rocket, began to work. They worked quickly and quietly. Team Rocket knew a lot about cloning from a past experiment. Soon, the clone of Arceus was inside its tube...

"Now, Giovonni, we begin our journey..." Cyrus said.

"Journey where?" Giovonni snapped. He was pleased at the progress the Arceus clone was making, but was unhappy that he was still going around the world and back to find these sleeping beasts.

"Why, back to the Spear Pillar. There is one more place we have not searched for."

"Which place is this?"

"Why, it is the Distortion World."

A few weeks past, and finally the Arceus clone was finished. It had a gray blue set of arms and rings. Cyrus and Giovonni stared at it with pride. "Now, my Arceus Prime! Go! Go destroy the world! Cast thy Judgment!" Cyrus cried out. Giovonni turned away for a moment, almost as if to reconsider what was going on. He walked away towards another tube, where a long, silvery dragon was developing.

"Shiny Giratina... What secrets do you hold? How can I stop this mad man next to me?" he whispered.

Shiny Origin Forme Giratina opened an eye.

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